

weather forecast today的相關標籤

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Taipei is quite cold today. 台北今天相當冷。 I like cold weather because if it is not cold in the winter, then you feel like it is summer! 我喜歡冷天, 因為如果冬天不冷那你會感覺就像夏天一樣! 後面的 it 指的都是 weather, 所以不用再重複, 用代名詞 it 代表就可以啦! According to the weather forecast, the low temperature will remain until tomorrow! 根據氣象預報, 低溫會持續到明天!(Which is 01/29) We can expect the temperature rise the day after tomorrow. 我們可以期盼後天的溫度回升 Siri跟我說的啦! If you are on the way back to North by any kind of public transportation such as: bus or high speed rail train, please do remember to put on you mask. Protect yourself and protect others! 如果你正搭乘大眾運輸工具往北前進中,如:巴士, 高鐵, 請記得戴上口罩, 保護自己也保護別人喔!

Taipei is quite cold today. 台北今天相當冷。 I like c...